First Pitch - 09 February 2023

First Pitch  

Hi guys.

So today was the first pitch that each person in our class had to do. Each person presented a 3 minute presentation in front of our class and lecturers on our idea for our major project. Each presentation covered what the user needed (user needs), what value the user gets out of it (user value) and the solutions and treatments e.g. how you are going to achieve the solution to the problem.


I had determined from research and user feedback from the topic area that the user needs where:

  • To have access to detailed information on different types of rockets.
  • To keep track of upcoming launches and missions.
  • User friendly interface.
  • For all of the information to be in one location.


From the user's needs, I was able to determine what the user value was:

  • Improved convenience, as all the information is in one place.
  • Time, as the user will not need to go looking for the content across multiple sites.
  • Improved knowledge and understanding of the field of rocketry and space exploration with up-to-date information on rockets and launches.
  • Increased engagement and excitement about space exploration and rocketry.


Solutions and Treatments

For this presentation, I quickly sketched out a few ideas of the features I wanted in my app. This was not needed for this presentation, but I decided I would get a head start on thinking of the design of my app.


Rocket Timeline and Rocket Family Tree

The first image here is a sketch of the rocket timeline and family tree features I am thinking of adding into my app. The rocket timeline (left image) would be a horizontal timeline which would display the rockets in the timeline based on the year that they first launched starting with the V2 rocket and working to the present day. 

 Rocket Timeline and Rocket Family Tree

The rocket family tree (right image) would be a different way the user could view the rockets displayed on the screen. The rocket family tree would display the rockets in a family tree which would show the user how all of the rockets are connected to each other and it would show the evolution of rocket technology over time. The rocket family tree would also start in the past with the V2 and work its way to the present day. 


Rocket Information Page

 Rocket Information Page

This image sketches out the rocket information page for my app. When the user selects one of the rockets from either the rocket timeline or the rocket family tree, they would be taken to the rocket information page. The rocket information page would display the rocket details, the rocket's technical specifications, the history of the rocket along with images, diagrams and videos of the rocket.


Upcoming Rocket Launches

Upcoming Rocket Launches and Launch Info

This page sketches out the upcoming rocket launches feature for my app. The upcoming rocket launches page would display the upcoming rocket launches on cards, with the launch date and time, the name of the launch, the rocket used and a background image. If the user selects one of the upcoming rocket launches, the user will be brought to the launch screen, which will show the user more information on the upcoming rocket launch, such as, the date, time, the name of the company launching, the country, the rocket, the payload, the orbit the rocket is going to and a link to the livestream if there is one.

Meet the Team

Hi, my name is Marcus and I am currently studying for my Masters in Creative Digital Media & UX at Technological University Dublin. To complete my Degree, I need to design and develop a major project, a mobile application or a game. I have decided to build a mobile application for this project. I studied Game Design for my Undergraduate Degree at the same University to which I specialized in programming. 

This will be a series of posts in the design and development of my major project for my Masters in Creative Digital Media & UX. Each week I will post a new post explaining what changes I have made to the idea. I will begin development of the mobile application in May 2023 and the development cycle will run from May to November 2023. 

Hope you enjoyed this second post looking into my major project. 

See you soon.


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